Areas of Expertise

Corporate Finance

We introduce global investment capital to companies in order to help them grow stronger, faster and generate more jobs that benefit their communities.

Direct Investments

We invest in both early stage startups and late stage mature companies across many industries.

Market Entry Advisory

We provide an assortment of market entry services and outbound transactions in the last 20 plus years.

Strategic Advisory

Our Group practices are led by experienced and talented executives that have the expertise, high-level private and public sector backgrounds, global network and expert judgment to address challenges for clients In the United States and beyond.

Venture Capital Financing

Helping talented growth-oriented companies realize their long-term growth potential in volatile markets.

Funding Litigation

Everyone is looking for a peaceful and fun life to live, but maybe there is no such place. We keep pushing forward and fighting back no matter what challenge is presented. We don't stop living and fighting.